The Gourmet Voice Awards

venerdì 9 dicembre 2005 ·

The Gourmet Voice Awards aim to reward and promote those talented professionals involved in Good Food and Drink Communication across all media. A Gourmet Voice Trophy will definitely bring industry recognition, media coverage and public focus on the people behind the prize-winning entries.
The Gourmet Voice Awards honour the best audiovisual, print and interactive entries, which have made the biggest contribution to the promotion of the culinary arts and the appreciation of wine around the world over 2004 and 2005.
• ExposureAll works in competition, audiovisual, print and interactive, will be on exhibition and available for reading or screening by all festival-goers present in Cannes.
• CategoriesThe competition encompasses 5 media types: TV programme, press, book, guide, interactive & video, and within each media by theme subcategories and by technical subcategories .
The Gourmet Voice Trophies
• The entries will be classified by media types (TV, book, guide, press, interactive & video) and by various themes within each media type.
• The Gourmet Voice Grand Prix is awarded to the most valuable gourmet communication whatever the media.
• Gold Trophies are awarded to the best communication in each media, for example the best TV programme, the best magazine, etc.
• Silver and Bronze Trophies are awarded to the best communication in each theme or technique sub-category.
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